京都・間人温泉 海の京料理 昭恋館 よ志のや

丹後半島間人温泉郷にある「昭恋館 よ志のや」。間人(たいざ)ガニ料理で大人気の当館はカニ料理の他に、鮑(あわび)やノドグロ等旬の新鮮なご当地食材でおもてなし。日本海を眺望できる露天風呂、ゆったりできる貸切風呂をご用意しております。

~京都・丹後半島・間人温泉郷 海の京料理 昭恋館 よ志のや ブログ~


This is place where can overlook the whole city of Taiza, and the place is "Ohaka". Ohaka call GRAVE in English. People from over seas interested NOT the view from here, they find interest in the different style and culture of the grave in Japan. People in this town believe OHAKA is one of holy place.


This is call "SEA POOL" which face to Horizon and you can see the great view of sunset from here. People can swim, have BBQ, or whatever. The funny thing is the pool is actually "IN THE SEA" so you can swim with the fish. Even you are with young child, you don't need to worry about the waves.

These two are only few points of our town "KYOTANGO CITY".  only Country side shows something. Nothing makes anything.





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